We welcome all members of our school community to join our Parent Engagement Group (PEG).
We have a very active PEG who are involved in the organisation and running of a range of school activities. These activities might include coordinating a grade family catch up, volunteering in the school canteen, organising school discos, holding Mother's Day and Father's Day stalls, joining in the gardening group or being a parent buddy for a new family at the school. There's something for everyone!
We encourage all parents to take an active part in the meetings which are held twice a term on Wednesdays at 7:00pm during Weeks 4 & 8 of each term. These meetings are advertised in advance through the school Compass page.
Can't make meetings, but still want to lend a hand? A PEG ‘Happy to Assist’ form is included in your orientation pack. This gives you the opportunity to share with us how you might be able to help out.
The PEG has a dedicated ‘Microsoft Teams’ page where we are able to communicate our plans and share our ideas. This is also the place to find minutes and agendas for meetings throughout the year. You can join this ‘Teams’ page by emailing kristen.jones@mn.catholic.edu.au.