St Brigid’s has a well-equipped, computerised library from which all students may borrow each week. We ask that all students have a library bag to protect their books. Classes borrow during their library lesson and can return and exchange books during lunch time. Parents are encouraged to show an interest in the books that their child borrows. Students with the highest borrowing records are rewarded with a book at our end of year prizegiving and liturgy.
Each class participates in library lessons, focusing on aspects from the HSIE syllabus and library skills. Book studies focus on the shortlisted books of the yearly Children’s Book Council of Australia Annual Awards and Book Week, held in August, is celebrated with a costume parade, along with literacy and numeracy activities.
St Brigid’s Learning Hub provides students with a range of activities during lunch time and recess in a safe and engaging environment. These include technology activities, craft, meditation, movies, reading, games and puzzles.
The Ashton Scholastic Book Club operates within the school, providing families with the opportunity to purchase books and encourage reading at home.
A Book Fair is held annually giving students, parents and friends the opportunity to purchase quality books at very reasonable prices. Commission earned through the sale of books provides valuable new resources for our library and classrooms.
Students participate in the annual Premier’s Reading Challenge, encouraging them to read a wide variety of specially selected books. If students reach their target, they will receive a special certificate from the NSW Premier.